We Moved to Ottawa
July 01, 2006 at 12:45 PM | categories: General | View CommentsLast weekend all(most) of our worldly possessions got packed into a truck and taken to Ottawa. On Tuesday I will be starting work at Nortel Networks. This is a big change for us. We now live a 5 hour drive away from most of our family and friends. This page blog has been mute about it because I wanted to get everything sorted and finalized.
Last week I stayed with my Mom while I finished my last week of work at Evertz in Burlington. The sale of our condo closed on Friday. I came up to Ottawa last night to join Kate, who has been here with her mom all week, and fought some crazy traffic.
I stopped at my Oma and Opa's place on the way. Travelling up the 400 was crazy. All the way from Toronto to Barrie was stop and go traffic. It took me more than twice as long as it normally would.
After my visit with them, I coninued on to Ottawa, taking 12 from Orillia to Whitby, continuing on a very busy 401. In all I spent 8.5-9 hours in my Mom's overloaded van with no air conditioning.
The townhouse we are renting is still in a bit of dissarray. There is a bunch of stuff they needed me to do, manly heavy lifting stuff, in order to continue on in the putting stuff away.
Besides being my first day of work on Tuesday, it will also be the day we, hopefully, finalize the first round of upgrades we are doing to our house. Thats right, be bought a beautiful, expensive, unbuilt house in Kanata. It won't be ready until November 2007 so we will have to make due until then in the 3 bedroom townhouse we are currently renting. Obviously the reason we came up here is the job opportunity plus the fact that we really like Ottawa. I hope that the job turns out as well as I imagined it. We'll find out more about that on Tuesday.